Hello Jaqueline,
Lets try and get this resolved for you asap.
First of all, I will explain the two menu types here that needs extra care:
You need CSS classes in these two menu types, so to view the CSS Class options, please go to Appearance >> Menus and on top right corner, you will see a tab called “Screen Options”. Click on this tab to expand it and it will show check boxes with various options, please check the one for “CSS Classes” and it will show them in the menu fields.
Screen Options
Now, about the two to menu types that need CSS Classes:
- Activities type menu:
These are 4 column menus with images and you can also have 2 rows to display 8 items. But you must have atleast 4 items in “Activities” type menu. These menus should be only 1 level deep. For example: Activities (main nav item) should only contain sub items and not sub / sub items.
Now, about the CSS Classes for this menu:
Top Level (e.g… Activities in our demo) should have the following CSS class:
has-mega-dropdown menu-grid
Dropdown Items (eg. Jungle, City Tours, Show & Ice etc in our demo) each should have following CSS Class:
If you have those in place - this menu will show perfectly.
- Destination Type Menus:
These are 3 column menus with popup for sub / sub items. These menus should be 2 levels deep. For example: Destination (main nav item) should contain sub items (World, Europe, Asia) and sub / sub items for each sub item (eg. France, Germany, Netherlands under Europe, and China, India etc. under Asia). One thing to note in Destination type menu is that literally the last item under Destination type menu should have an additional CSS class “last-item”. Please see the video for more detail on this below:
Now, about the CSS Classes for destination type of menu:
Top Level (e.g… Destination in our demo) should have the following CSS class:
dropdown has-mega-dropdown mega-md mega-center
Second Level Items (eg. World, Europe, Asia, Africa in our demo, that floats to left of dropdown) each should have following CSS Class:
Third Level Items (e.g… Australia, Canada, Newzealand et. which are sub items of second level “World” in our demo) each should have the following CSS Class:
And finally, there one item, only one item, that is literally the last item under your Destination type menu (the one thats the last child of the last 2nd level menu eg. Tanzania in our demo) will have the following CSS Class:
tab-menu-item last-item
Please note that if you delete Tanzania from your menu list, then the above class should be added to whatever becomes the new last item.
If you have those in place - this menu will show perfectly.
I hope that clarifies it for you.
Now about other queries:
- Can you change the currency to USD? It is currently in pounds.
Sure, from your WP Dashboard, please go to Woocommerce / Settings and under “Currency” dropdown, you can select any currency. Please see the attached screenshot.
- In the navigation bar that is UNDER the slider, with the icons and (boating, diving, massage etc…) is there a way to put those in a different order? Or it is only possible for them to be in alphabetical order?
Sure, please go to Product / Categories and just Drag and Drop your items in the order you would prefer them to be shown on front-end.
Please let me know if you need more help with this, and include wp-admin access so that I can have a look and advise whats missing.
Best Regards