How can I change the height of the nav bar when it is sticky? My logo is getting cut off.
A mi me pasa lo mismo. TambiƩn necesito respuesta,
Please follow this: Increase header height
If you still have any question, please let me know.
That worked, but now I notice that the navigation bar and logo before I scroll down also needs a little more padding at the bottom, the logo is hanging down past the nav bar. thanks for your help!
hi, Can I get a little help on this please?
I tried increasing some of the numbers on the margin in that CSS you gave me, but it did nothing.
Site is
Can you please try adding following at the bottom of where you added CSS from the article:
@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {
#header {
height: 102px;
Thanks, that helped. I added the extra set of brackets to that CSS code BTW.
Also, now when you scroll down on the page, the sticky header still needs to have height increased, on a desktop monitor, not on the tablet view.
Also the line next to the logo is hanging down below the nav bar, which I think will be fixed once we get the spacing issue resolved. Thanks for your help.
Can you please add the following in your custom child theme or the customizer css box:
@media only screen and (min-width: 992px)
#header.fixed-position .logo {
height: 87px !important;
Please let me know if this helps.
That seems to have worked, thank you!
Always happy to help!