Removing prices


First of all thank you for all the support. You really do your best to respond.

I have tried all articles explaining how to remove prices from tours (Plugins, CSS Codes and listing products as simple instead of variable products.
I reliased that listing as variable removes the amount but the (From 0$) remains.

Please, helpCapture

The theme use woocommerce plugin and utilizes their core ecommerce functionalities for most of the shop modules, with custom functions and templating to suit the needs of tour booking.

Now if you remove the price, as you are indicating in your screenshot, what happens when the user clicks the “BOOK NOW” button? Should it still function normally, like add to cart and go to cart page? Or are you/have you removed the cart icon as well. So, will you be adding all the products only as affiliate products? In which case provide URL for all the products to go to certain page, or other site?

Should the price continue to be shown on the listing templates, the sliders, recently viewed and other areas of site, as these are all different template parts? All of these requires the UX research of its own. And bundling every option for individual needs would be far from ideal, because this would make the theme heavy for all the users.

Hence, such features are best dealt on customization basis, rather than to add them on top of the theme for every user bloating the theme.

Having said all that, if you are just after removing the price from tour detail pages, the part shown in red circle in your screenshot, and nothing else that I have mentioned above matters, I will help with that as that should just be one line of code, or two!

Sorry for long reply and hope all this makes sense, but if you are still unsatisfied, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Dear Sanjeev,

Thank you. I think a long message is better as it makes someone have a big picture and this avoids going forth and back.

I have realized that many Tour and Travel agencies prefer not have fixed prices.

In my case, I need to remove prices on all my tour detail pages.

What will happen when visitors hit Book now I am building a new enquiry page and my wish is that the Book now button directs to that page.

Thank you

Dear Sanjee,

Thank you. I can see you removed the number but the word “From” remained. Please, do remove it too.

Do you also offer paid for customization services? I need any thing of prices to be removed

Hello Anatole, I have not removed the from or anything. We don’t make changes to users sites for support queries. It must be someone in your own team.

As for removing the price and from, I just noticed you mentioned “I need any thing of prices to be removed” Can you please clarify further. not sure what you refer to by “any thing of prices to be removed

Note: As for customization requests, we do it on ad hoc basis, please email with detailed request and we will get back to you if we have time to do the customizations along with quotation.

Dear Sanjee,

For not being clear enough. I mean since we don’t show prices, there is no need to show the $0s and From $0 any where on the site. Being, under the recently viewed, when you whover a mouth on the tour package image and on the listing just above explore

other images are shown in the images above

Yes, you are right, in your case, you will need changes in multiple files in code. However, we can not remove the price from entire theme as this is one of the basic feature for theme users. If you need this customization done for your specific website, you can use theme customization services like Envato Studio We will still help with the built in theme features and bugs. Thank you.