Some questions ____


I am customizing my site and I have some questions I would like to solve:

  • Testimonials on desktop version are not centered (as dots that show more testimonials), how can I center it?

  • Can I change the website loading icon?

  • How can I set a link in the menu that goes to the contact form in the footer? I would like to set it on every page, I mean I don’t want that the link goes always to the footer of the home page, so if I am in a product page and I click on the contact button on the menu, I want that it goes to the footer of the current page.

  • Is it possible to add new icons for categories? I mean those that appear just under the slider in the home page. I have activities like skiing lessons that are not represented in those icons and I would like to add new ones.

  • Is there the possibility to set a different order than alphabetic on those icons on home page and also on the 9 squares icons?

  • In those 9 squares, is it possible toshow a different titlke that on the slider icons?

  • There is a TRANSLATE orange button in the home page. How can I hide it?

  • I tried to add images in the mega menu (following the documentation), but they don’t appear in the frontend. How can I solve it?

  • Can I hide the line that separates the logo and the menu in the menu bar?

  • Where can I find icon class of the media on footer?

  • In the footer, how can I show just one page to the legal notice for example? I have seen that I can show every page, but not just one.

  • I am using loco translate for strings, but there are some ones that even translated, still being in english, how can I solve it (Book now button, “reviews”, “what is not included…”, “from”…)

  • In desktop version, the menu stays a bit over the product tabs. Is it possible to separate it?

  • How can I change the level range from 8 to 5 for example?

  • In a product, I would like to hide “vacation style” and “holiday type”.

  • Faq’s section can be shown as accordion like itinerary section?

  • Accomodation tab on mobile, slowly scrolls down by its own.

Thanks for your time.

Hello Màrius,

Please keep the post related to one specific query. For example, “Can I change the website loading icon?” is separate to

“Faq’s section can be shown as accordion like itinerary section?” and post 2 queries at most at a time, and when we have replied to and guided you on that, you can add another query.

Thank you