Activities type menu show images of bad quality

Hello Sanjeev,

I’ve implemented an activities type menu, but when I add images they seem to be degraded and not very pleasant to look at.

However, as the image above shows, I have 1 image that doesn’t get pixelated and isn’t cut like the other images. This puzzles me a lot, since I have no idea as why it does this!

Hope you can help me out and thank you in advance.

Hello Helene,

I had a look at your menu and tested it. This is happening because you have really small images for the first 3 items whereas the 4th is a full size image.

1st 3 images you have are: 315px X 150px

4th image you have is: 4901px X 3267px

You can check this by simply hovering on your image and then right click and open the image in a new tab.

If you upload the images of 700px X 300px or any size above 400px X 190px, they will be shown properly without any pixel issue. You may need to run Tools >> Regen. Thumbnails for them to be cropped in same size. Please upload images of the sizes above 400px X 190px and if you still have this issue, please let me know and I will look into it for you.

Thank you

The size of the 1 st 3 images doesn’t make sense. Because if you find the pictures in the media library in Wordpress site backend, you can see the following dimensions of the images. They are as big as the last image or above the 400px x 190px:
Uploading: image.png…

Uploading: image.png(2)…

Hello Helene,

Can you please go to Woocommerce >> Settings >> Products >> Display and under “Product Images” >> “Catalogue Images”, can you please check weather you have 550 x 358 or not as shown in the documentation here: which says:

“Regenerate Thumbnails → First, ensure that you have set image dimensions for Catalog Images under woocommerce settings as shown here. Then go to Tools → Regen. Thumbnails, and click on “Regenerate All Thumbnail”. This process can take a while since this will be cropping all images to fit according to design.”

If you did not set this, then that could explain it and most certainly the cause. If you skipped this step, please add the sizes there exactly as shown in the documentation, and then go through the Regenerate Thumbnails as mentioned in the documentation. Once you have done that, please test and let me know as well.

Thank you

Hello Sanjeev,

Thank you for your response!

I have tried to follow your instructions and have now set “Catalogue Images” to 550 x 358 and afterwards I regenerated thumbnails.

However, I still have the same issue - nothing really changed!

In the media library the images are large and when I add them to the menu they still get pixelated (I also tried opening the images in a new tab and I see that they are VERY smal here…)

I still have one image that - for some reason - don’t get pixelated and shows its real (big) size when I open it in another tab.

As the image shows I also tried to replace one of the other images with this image and it still doesn’t get affected as the others.

I really hope you can help me,
Thank you

Hello Helene,

Sorry for late response I can check / fix this for you, please let me know if I can test this on your site. I do have your access details that you provided via ticket, if they are still working and once I hear your confirmation. I will check and reply back with anything that you may be missing.

Thank you

Hello Sanjeev,

Thank you for your response!

You are very welcome to access the site yourself and check/fix the problem.
The access details you got earlier are still working.

Thank you

Hello Helene,

That particular image is named “Bål-familie”, this when showing in the front-end gets decoded and shows something like “Ba%CC%8Al-familie”.

It is best practice to use only the allowed characters without special characters, for example å in your image names.

Please let me know if I can help any further with this.

Thank you

Hello Sanjeev,

Thank you for your help - I’ll be very aware of my image names in the future :wink: