Add Shortcode or Edit Styling in Tour Detail Tabs [*Depricated]

Note: This is only for Entrada theme versions prior to 2.0. Now this feature is included as default so you won’t need to make any modifications

  1. Please copy the file wp-content >> themes >> entrada >> woocommerce >> content-single-product.php to your child theme in same location/folder structure if you don’t already have this.

  2. Open this file and search for “wpautop($product_overview_detail)” without quotes and around line 486, you will see the code below:

echo '<div class="detail">'. wpautop($product_overview_detail).'</div>';

Now, if you change the wpautop to do_shortcode as shown below:

echo '<div class="detail">'. do_shortcode($product_overview_detail).'</div>';

And save this file.

You will now be able to add your custom shortcode inside the Overview tab.

Thank You