Background image of whole page

I have two questions:

  1. How can I get the page background of the whole page (under the header and not including the footer) to be a seamless bg that I purchased?
  2. How can I get this seamless paper background to appear at full size (not enlarged and grainy) in a row background?

My client wants old, vintage paper background.
I have made the image 1000px x 1000px and I tried it first as a background of a row.
I got that to work but I told it to Repeat the background and it looks all pixelated like the image has been enlarged. See this page, (scroll down a bit)

I also tried to make this the whole page background by adding CSS to the whole page with the little gear icon in the upper right corner:
.page-bg-colored {
background-image: url(“”) repeat;
…but that didn’t work.

Can you give me some code to make the background not repeat, but tile at full size on the whole page and also how to make it repeat on just the row.

Hello Karen,

  1. I suppose you mean a demo that we have, and you want to replicate that. Can you please provide the URL of our theme demo you wish to replicate?
  2. The value you are using in background-image property needs to be in its own property. background-repeat: repeat; or norepeat and additionally, repeat X or Y. Also the size should be simple 1px by 1px image ideally. You can find more on it CSS background-repeat property

Note: If you are looking for help with coding, I would highly recommend code mentor as they are much better at it than us. And if you are looking for theme customization for your clients, please fill in the customization request form

Thank you

Further to my message above, for your #1, I am assuming you mean a sitewide full page background image, or a pattern. If so, can you please follow the steps below since this is already built into the theme and doesnt require customization (please remember to remove custom css relating to pagebackground before trying this):

Layout Setting

  1. Go to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Layout → Site Layout.
  3. Select the layout:
  4. Wide: The full width of the page is used to show the content.
  5. Boxed: The content is centred within certain width while the rest shows the background image, colour or pattern.
    1. Colour: select colour to set the background colour.
    2. Image: select the image to set the background image.
    3. Pattern: select the image to set the background pattern.
  6. Click “Save & Publish” at the top of the page on the left.

ok thanks, I’ll try this.
Have a great day