Can't Upload the demo taxonomy and gallery data in Entrada?-


When I use to upload the demo content of taxonomy and gallery it beings to show me an error which is this file type is not permitted. What should I do?

Also, I don’t want to sell packages online, so want simply list the destinations on the website but don’t want the selling feature on the site but want the look of the website as shown in the theme, what should I do?

Hello Sanjeev,

Could you please suggest me something on the above query?

Hello Nikunj,

This error is caused when certain file types are not permitted to be uploaded on the server. You can learn more about this error here:

And as mentioned in the article, you can resolve this by adding the following line in your wp-config.php file:

As for the selling feature, you can redirect all “BOOK NOW” buttons to your desired page instead of the cart page. You can do this by going to Appearance >> Customize >> Woocommerce >> Book Now Button Settings and providing the URL of the page where you want to redirect users.

As the theme is based on WooCommerce to create the products, destination and categories, you can not remove the woocommerce plugin itself for a proper working of the theme.

Thank you

Also, you can remove that line after importing the files. Ty.

Hi Sanjeev,

I don’t want any user to sign in or create his/her account on the website. So, I don’t want to show the cart option and sign in and sign up option. How can I do that?

Check my website:

Hello Nikunj,

Please follow:
