Change color Sticky Navbar


i can’t change the color of the sticky navbar.

I tried with this code:

.default-page # header.white-header.fixed-position, # header.white-header.fixed-position {
background: # f82b53;
bottom edge: 1px solid # f82b53;

But it does not work. I should make it white … but I can’t.


That color is a red color, for white you will need to use #ffffff instead of # f82b53;

Also, the way you write color is #ffffff and not # ffffff otherwise it wont work like you have mentioned.


The code I introduced is the following:

.default-page #header.white-header.fixed-position, #header.white-header.fixed-position {
background: #ffffff;
bottom edge: 1px solid #ffffff;

But it does not work; the sticky header is not white but is the color of the attached screen.