FIX: Icomoon demo.css

Hi Sanjeev,

just found this error: GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

However I search in the files, can not find it to fix.

I would appreciate your help to fix it.


Hi, when I click on that file like, it does open the CSS file, so you do have that file there. Additionally, going to and checking for console errors, I do not see any error there.

Yes, because in the meantime I created these folders anew and moved the demo.css in there
So I could eliminat this error, but by default it created an error up until now.
I was not able to detect which file contained this original link of:

See the screenshots

In your Appearance > Customize > Typography > Custom Font Icons, is there any URL?

ahh, yes, there’s an URL: icomoon/demo/demo.css
which is not valid, since there’s no icomoon folder under themes by default

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Thats right, so you can remove that and the error will disappear, or add the icomoon folder with your icons and the link will work and again wont show error. Thx.

So, currently it is: icomoon/demo/demo.css - which is 404, not found

I found the icomoon folder under entrada under this URL:

My question: if I change current to:
or just

will that be OK, pls?

Thanks for your help in advance.

The path is relative to wp-content/themes/entrada/

Also, do ensure that there is a file inside icomoon/demo/demo.css whichout which, it will give that error.

Finally I added: entrada/icomoon/style.css
Is that OK, pls?