Forgot password link don't work and error with login

Hi Saanjev, I have other problems, this time with lost password link and login

1- When I click button “forgot your password” I have this error page.

Could you tell me how to fix it? As far as I can remember I haven’t made any change in this link, but I’ve seen that the url when I do login is /my-account-2/

2- I’ve created users to do some test, when I go to log in and insert my username and password, from the pagen /login/ the login doesn’t work, however register form works ok.

To log in I have to go to /my-account-2/ and then put my user and password in the fields and I can enter to my dashboard… I don’t know why this happen either.

Thank you for your help.

Update: I’ve been able to fix the problem with the url related to “forgot password”.

However I still have the problem when I try to log the user in the url I have to go to to enter to my dashboard.


when you create a user, is it through the register form in frontend? if so, that is handled by woocommerce and one can only login via my-account page. if you want to create user for accessing the admin, you need to create themn via dashboard > users and they will be able to login via login page.

thank you