You do need to add the “Icon Class for Social Media” and your “Social Media URL” by going to Appearance >> Customize >> Footer >> Footer Social Icons.
You can use any of the custom icons provided with the theme here: Font Icons (please note that custom icons are the ones on this page on top shown above material icons).
To use this, you just need to put the class in the format shown on this page, e.g…
And you can also use any of the Fontawesome Icons here as well in following format:
fa fa-tripadvisor fa-4x
Modern Theme Requirements
The modern version doesn’t have these active as default.
And if you want to show the footer social icons and the newsletter form in the modern theme where this is not available as default, you can do so by going to Appearance >> Customize >> Custom CSS and JS >> Custom CSS box and adding the CSS below:
#footer form {
display: block !important;
#footer .social-wrap {
display: table !important;
padding-top: 45px;
Thank you