How to remove web shop

Hello! The web site theme is great! BUT I have a small issue, I dont need web shop. So I would like to instead of Book Now button have Contact us and completely remove the web shop possbility. Is that doable? Thanks in advance.

Hello, you can change the BOOK NOW button to anything of your choice, please follow this post


Your answer regarding removing web shop was unfortunately not very helpful.

As you have written: Appearance >> Customoize >> Woocommerce >> Book Now Button Settings and enter the URL where you want the users to proceed to / or where you have your own Booking system.
BUT I do not have this last part “Book now Button Setting” in my Wordpress.

What can I do to remove web shop and when my clients click on Book Now button, the site goes to some kind of “Send us inquiry” template?

Thanks in advance.


Hello, you must have those setting, else you may need to reinstall theme.

Please try again. By the way, it should be Entrada WooCommerce instead of WooCommerce only,

Appearance >> Customoize >> Entrada Woocommerce >> Book Now Button Settings

Thank you

Great, I found it ! Thank you so much for explaining it :slight_smile: