Issue with navbar menu in responsive mode

I have one of my sites in staging right now trying to figure out some issues. In the mega menu as it is scaled down in responsive mode the entire menu drops below the header, the next scale down it goes back up into the navbar. The 3 screenshots below show the issue.

Thank you so much in advance for your assistance and a fantastic theme.

The site is

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Hello, I have tested your URL on multiple devices as well as simulators but its working on all devices correctly. If you still face the issue, can you please provide the device name that you are seeing the issue on so that we can run a test on it and let you know the cause / solution? Thx.

Hi and thanks so much for checking into it. I seem to be the only one that seems to have this issue then, my developer says it’s good as well but I am looking at it so if you can run a test on my device that would be fantastic. It’s a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) with Big Sur 11.3.

Thanks again for your support on this!

Hello, I have retested it with the MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) which has 2560-by-1600 native resolution and also the following Supported scaled resolutions:

  • 1680 by 1050
  • 1440 by 900
  • 1024 by 640

And your navbar shows in the same line in all instances without any issues. If you have still any issue on your MacBook, please try on colleagues or online on simulator, and it will appear as expected. If you still have any queries relating to it, please let me know and I will be happy to help clarify further.

OK, thanks so much for allowing me to waste your time! Greatly appreciated and will do some checks on my Mac.

Thanks again, and keep up the fantastic work!

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