Load More duplicating posts

I have set the number of posts displayed at 10 (previously 6, with same issue). When I click on “Load More”, some posts are displayed twice. It seems only to be the last 1-2 posts just above the Load More button. Is there a way to prevent this?


Hello, I have tested this on our demo site at Blog Default – Entrada Modern and I am not getting the issue. Can you please try as well and let me know if you can replicate it. Additionally, please provide your URL as well for me to test it.


Problem still exists, please check Resources – ERTCU Travel Group
I am not using Entrada Modern, but the regular Entrada. Template is Blog (Default).


Hello, the code itself to “load more” and then display would be same for both modern and default theme demos. I have tried it on the default as well: Blog Default – Entrada Default and I can replicate the issue - so if you can try reloading and check if you can see the issue on our “default” demo site, it will help me test further. But if you don’t see it on the theme demo but it is happening only to your wp install, it will be different cause/solution, hence I am asking for you to check on demo and to let me know. Thx and will be waiting…

Sorry, i misunderstood. I have tried to replicate on your demo theme, and was not able to do so. It therefore seems to be a problem on my install. What steps can we take to solve this?

Also good to note is that on your demo there’s a date beside each blog, which is not the case in my blog list (note, yesterday i removed all meta data using the CSS you provided, but blog data wasn’t displayed before then either)

Hello @kimolinders You will find step by step guide here: