Logo, Menu and Footer

Hello, I purchased the Emprise theme that I am installing on the domain www.plveventstravel.com.
Everything seems to be in order with the topic, however I have some questions I would like to clarify;

I need to put the logo in two versions - light (for a transparent menu) and dark (for a Sticky menu). I can only find a place to upload one of the logos. Where do I put the secondary, for sticky menu?

Initially it had a white top menu (Home V2) and a Sticky menu with dark text. After changing the website’s main colors, the main menu now has a darker color. I can’t find a place to put the white color.

Header and Footer
Is it possible to eliminate header and footer and create them from Elementor?

Thanks for the support.


Carlos Sousa

Hello Carlos,

I just tested it and found that the theme is missing a logo variation tab. It should work as shown here: Logo / Favicon – docs.emprise.tours which it currently doesn’t.

Currently the theme is taking global colors, I will add an option to set different colors for menu background (default and sticky). In the meantime, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and add following css:

.navigation {
	background-color: white !important;

Then publish.

Header and Footer
Yes it is possible, but will require code changes. I will update the theme this week with above fix and after that I can provide you with details on the Header/Footer options as well.

Thank you


Hi Sanjeev,

Thanks for the quick response.

Regarding Header/Footer, if you are changing the code so that we can use Elementor for this purpose, then I prefer to wait until you make the changes available. This way, I resolve the issue of the logo as well as the header and footer.
In the meantime, we are working on other items. I ask that when you have news about the changes, please alert me so that we can make the necessary changes to the layout of the site.

Best regards.


Certainly, I will update you this week on Header/Footer as well after updating the theme.
