My site is not fully responsive!


I have 2 major concerns:

  1. The website is not responsive when I use to check it on the mobile specially the revolution slider, the text and images are getting cropped.

  2. I have made a section on the homepage for top selling packages, the images of that section are not always loading properly, check screenshot attached below for reference.

Please provide me a solution for both these concerns.


The theme is fully responsive. Can you please double check the demo site at and if you see an issue on the demo site, please take a screenshot of the demo site page and also let me know the device you are using?

Agian, the theme has no issues, are you using any image caching plugin which is misconfigured? Try switching all third party plugins that could interfere with your image? Or what error is it showing in the console? Please share you URL? Also, if you imported the demo, you can double check the setting for rows in wpbakery and ensure its correct ones.

Thank you

Hi Sanjeev,

Thanks for your revert. Please check the screenshots attached for the responsiveness. I am using the site on mobile phone. The site URL is

Also, I am only using W3 Total Cache in the site and so separate plugin for image compression. The speed of the site is also not that good, any suggestions on this?

Hello Nikunj,

Please note that the theme is fully responsive - as you may find it while using our demo site on mobile devices. If you see an issue on our demo with responsiveness - please share a screenshot of that.

As for your own URL, it could be any number of issue. Below are the steps you an follow to trace / solve the issues:

  1. Please check and ensure that you are using the latest version of the Entrada main theme. The current theme version is 3.7.9 If you are not using the latest version of the theme, you will need to update it to latest version as shown here:

  2. Ensure that the Entrada prefixed plugins are of latest version 3.7.9

  3. If they aren’t - please update and check if this resolves your query, otherwise please follow the steps below.

  4. Deactivate all third party plugins other than the ones that came bundled with Entrada theme. The plugins bundled with theme are ( Contact Form 7, Customizer Import / Export, Entrada Post Type, Entrada VC Addons, Entrada WC Taxonomy, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce, WPBakery Page Builder) and only these plugins should be left active.

  5. Please check if this resolves the issue - if yes, please start activating the third party plugins you deactivated in step 4, one at a time and checking the frontend. This will help you locate the specific plugin that causes the issue you are facing. And you can leave that particular plugin deactivate, delete it or ask the plugin author for more help on that.

  6. If the issue persists, please check weather you have modified any of the core theme files, within the main theme files itself and / or through child theme. If you have modified files in child theme, please deactivate child theme and then check if the issue persists. If the issue is resolved, then the issues comes from your custom code.

  7. If you had modified core theme files, you will need to reinstall the main theme again (Note: you will lose all the customizations that you coded in core theme files so ensure that you have a backup that you can copy over if required.!)

  8. If none of the steps above resolves your issue, we will need to test this on your server. Please leave all of the steps above that you have followed exactly as is after you have followed those steps, i.e. leave the third party plugins deactivated and theme to latest versions etc… and message us via our Profile Page your wordpress wp-admin access details as well as FTP details and confirm back that we can reinstall the theme / demo and you are okay with that. And we will get back to you within 48 hours at most with cause / solution for your specific issue.

Thank you