New Entrada Site Launched - Thank you!____

Sanjeev et al,

Thank you so much for a wonderfully designed theme. We’ve finally launched our first site on this theme. is officially live.

Most of my customization focused on the product detail page. For Woocommerce Bookings Bookable Products, the content-single-product.php uses the default product summary action. I created a replacement that does the following:

  1. Replaced default slider with a revolution slider that uses the product’s gallery images to populate.

  2. Moved the summary to just below the slide show. (I’ve found through analytics on my prior site, that these slide shows help people identify with the products. They improve page view time by 10x.

  3. Made the summary 2-columns for desktop with booking form to the right. On mobile this basically still looks the same as a regular entrada product.

  4. Created a custom single_product_summary() action which brings the look and feel of the Entrada product page to my Woocommerce Bookings Bookable Products.

For anyone who wants to try the custom code, there is a thread here:

Please read the whole thread. There are code updates and some details to changes I made which you may wish to change back. Best.

Awesome. Thank you for sharing it Mitch. I will have a look this week and let you know if I have some suggestions.

Best Wishes…

Thanks Sanjeev.
I’ve done a few things that are “temporary” as I had a deadline to hit. What’s live now is the MVP I needed to switch from our prior site.

I noticed a couple things I’ll be posting on other threads.

Thanks again for a great product and support.


The link to the custom code thread does not seem to work, is there another link for it now please?
