Recently Viewed Image links to products

Hi Sanjeev,

we learned from hotjar clicks and tap data that visitors prefer images linked to products under the Recently Viewed section of the Entrada theme.
I modified the \entrada\admin\wc\wc_functions.php under /* Entrada Get Recently Viewed Tour/Product Functions in line 2093, so the images ar linked to the products like this:
$html .= ‘’ . entrada_product_resized_img(get_the_ID(), $resize = array(550, 358)) . ‘’;

I know that this customisation will be lost with the theme update, therefore I recommend to add it to your next update so that all users can benefit from it. Thanks.

Btw, I just downloaded today’s update, but as I see this new version is not listed in the Change Log.
Will you pls update it?

Hello Tamas,

Hope you are doing good. Thank you for sharing the insight on your visitors image preferences. However, I am not clear on what we are trying to achieve and why. If you can put it across from end user / visitors perspective, like a user story if you like, where they are, what they are trying to do and what they expect - then that will make more sense for us to consider. The code changes are simple, 2 minute job, but we need to know exactly what / why and most importantly from whom are we doing this.

As for the update on item description, I have added it there under the change log.

Have a wonderful day and speak soon.
