Remove author from blog posts single and main page

I would like to remove the author meta tag, but not the comments or the date or the share.
I would like it removed on both the main blog page and each blog post.
I tried this Css, but it took everything off:
.blog-single .meta-article {
display: none;

Also I want to reformat the blog date so it says Nov 30th, 2020 instead of 30th, Nov.
Is there a way to do that?

I guess you have already removed the author meta as I am unable to see it on your posts and post lists.

For date: please follow this: I believe you want the custom option shown there.


hi there,
Thanks for your reply. That article is not helpful since I already have my general wordpress settings set to show the date like this: November 30, 2020.
But the theme is showing the date on Blog Posts like this:
30th, Nov.
I was hoping to override that, probably with some custom styling or php.
Do you know how I can do that? And yes, I was able to remove the Author of the posts with some CSS. thanks for any help,

Hello Karen,

You are right, its not working as intended. I have added it to update core theme files in next theme update.

For now, you can edit the php file as below:

wp-content > themes > entrada > template-parts > blog-default.php

Line #34: Replace:

<time class="info-day" datetime="2011-01-12"><?php the_time('jS, M') ?></time>


<time class="info-day" datetime="2011-01-12"><?php the_date() ?></time>

Please let me know if you need any further help with it.


In addition to the above one line change, I would also suggest adding this line below in your custom css:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .article .info-day {
        display: inline;

ok great, thanks!