Remove Banner from Search Result Pages

If you want to complete remove the banner from the search result pages, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to wp-content >> themes >> entrada

  2. Download and save the file named “page-properties.php” on your local computer.

  3. Open this file with text editor like sublime text.

  4. Scroll down to bottom of page around line 122, where you will see a code like below

<?php get_template_part( 'template-parts/banner', 'search' ); ?>
  1. Now, in above code, just after the opening tag <?php place two forward slashes so your code will now look like screenshot below (right click image to open in new window for larger view):

  1. Save the file and now go to wp-content >> themes >> entrada

  2. Upload and replace the file named “page-properties.php” with the file you saved in step 6.

Now you will have no banner on your search result pages.