Search Date of departure is required for booking-

Dear Sanjeev

I would like to have departure date (start date of tour) while customer is doing booking.

I could not figure out how to add this.

Second thing

I am trying to create variable product but unable to do.

I found your instruction, its really helpful.

In my woocommerce, variable is not able to add. it asked to put attribute first, what sort of attribute I should add?

please refer ss.

thank you man.

with regards,


For first query, please see the screenshot below: These are set when creating the tour by admin.

Or, a tour can be created as a simple tour, where users chose their preferred departure date during checkout:

This is only for buyers to indicate their preferred start date and admin can contact them to rearrange it etc…

And about your second query and how to, please follow this article:

Thank you

Thank you sanjeev,

I have purchased booking and work as i need. appreciate your reply.


Hi Sanjeev,

I have put Add-ons in some tour packages but it does not show in front end.

Could you please look into it
