Source Template for Search Results Page-

Dear support team,

I made some customizations via child theme to the /template-parts/search-list.php layout to appear like in the below picture:

now when I search for tours and go to search page at first the tours are shown like above, but when I choose another option the new filtered results are shown like in the original theme and not all my changes aren’t reflected (see the picture belove)

Could you please let me know how to make my change be reflected?

thank you


Hello Amy,

It would be kinda risky and even impossible to tell exactly what is going wrong with your customizations and custom code that you have added without looking at them and then debugging them.Though, we are not in a position to provide theme customization services at present, there are services like WP Kraken who has provided customizations work based on our theme for scores of users, or you could use Envato studio as well.

Thank you