Testimonials customization


Is it possible to hide read more button?

The dots and the line in testimonials section are not centered (screenshot). How can i center it?


Hello, the “Read More” would only appear if you have more text than 40 whole words.

As for the alignment of dots, your screenshot is not showing the image in testimonial, which is why it appears misaligned - once you add image - it will be aligned.

Thank you


I would like to hide read more even with more that 40 words. Can I?

Attached a screenshot with testiminial images and still misaligned.



For first one, I am afraid this is not there to be controlled via frontend, but I will look into adding this option in future theme update.

As for the nav controls mis aligned - it appears to be happening only on your site so most likely a css overwrite or conflict. Please provide your URL and I will help you after checking where it may be coming from.



The url is 360xplore.cat



After 9 days I am still waiting for a solution.

Can you please help me?



After 39 days I am still waiting for a reply. I think that it’s enough time to find a solution…

Please answer.


After 39 days I am still waiting for a reply. I think that it’s enough time to find a solution…

Please answer…


For the owl controls alignment, please add the following to your custom style.css file or in the customizer >> custom css box:

@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {
.testimonial-holder .owl-pagination {
padding-left: 0 !important;