Can you please update the theme templates for Woocommerce 5.4? The theme gives back serious errors on tour pages and was not updated for several months (??)
Can you please update the theme templates for Woocommerce 5.4? The theme gives back serious errors on tour pages and was not updated for several months (??)
Hello Marcel,
The theme was updated on 30th April 2021. If you are using the older version of the theme, please download the latest version from themeforest and update it. You should download whole theme package instead of just theme installable files and then update theme and plugins as shown here:
If you have any further question regarding the theme update, please let me know.
Admin language is set to English and login details are sent. Please find time to review this. The site broke down after our going live campaign so we’re in big trouble.
Hi Sanjeev,
Can you please have a look at this? We cant serve clients right now.
I have 2 support issues reported here. Both are combined because several elements of the theme do not work although child pages, the enteada theme and WC plugin are updated in the way you instructed. Only the entrada package plugins are active but still there are conflicts. Tour detail and destination grid are totally broken. You have admin access on expeditieeuropa.nl. I have been waiting for support for several weeks now. Can you please (!) help asap?
Please can you take action on this?
Why does it take more than 2 weeks to respond? This is a support page right? We need your help. The theme does not work with latest update of woocommerce
I tried to contact you several times without any respinse. I have been addressing further issues despite us following your instructions to update child templates etc. The issue is not solved. Theme is full of errors and devs cannot find the issue!
Please follow the Private Message I sent you and I will help you. Also, rather than saying “serious issues” it would be helpful if you share the screenshot of the errors. Thx.
I replied 8 days ago without any success. What is your next step?
Hello, you have not replied to the message above at all. I have checked PM’s and also emails for you.
If this way of communicating with your end user is your interpretation of support, so many weeks after our initial question, then this Waituk support is really amateuristic. We made an extra payment to receive support in stead of waiting for this conclusion from your side.