Top bar set as demo

Hello Sanjeev,

I’d like to make some changes on my top bar and header bar but some issues came out.

  1. I want to remove the search icon and WPML language switcher from the header. I follow instructions you kindly gave us in the article Remove Account, Cart, Search, Language Icons from Header and deleted the related lines in the header.php file from child theme. Seems that changes are not applied (see screenshot 1)

Here are login and password details if you want to have a look :



  1. I had a look at your new demos and I would like to get the same settings for my top bar (see the second attached file “demo”) but didn’t find the way to set like on the demo.
  • Phone number and email address on the left side of the top bar.

  • Login, register, cart on the right side. As login and register link to the same page, is that difficult to create only one link : “login//register” with the user icon before ?

  1. As website will be translated in French and Japanese very soon, is that possible to add the flags on the language switcher of the top bar. Just the flags before the “EN”, “FR” and “JA”.

If some questions needs paid customizations, I’m ok with that, you tell me.

Thank you for your help.


Hello ben,

The reason for #1 is because you are modifying the wrong template file. Inside entrada, you will find header.php, header-top.php and header-centered.php and in your case, you will need to edit the header-top.php

As for the other 2, you can go through it by installing the theme on new wordpress instance locally, and then importing the demo and you can copy the menu order / classes to see how they are organized.

#3 - You can switch the flags via WPML depending on the language itself, its automatic. If you mean to add the flag only, you could with CSS but then it wont make sense without linking to them via WPML. This will require customization, and we recommend WP Kraken as they have already customized our theme for scores of users.

Thank you

Hello Sanjeev,

I still have some questions regarding your answers.

For #1, I followed your advices but the WPML switcher and the search icon on nav menu still remains. I really don’t know what is going on.

For #2, as you said, I installed locally the theme, imported demo data and so on but I’m afraid I wasn’t able to find/copy files that are involved in the top bar settings I’m looking for. These are actions out of my skills. For example, I noticed that the Wordpress customizer (Appearance/customize) did’t have the “email” field (in header/nav bar section) in my online website although the filed was there in the local site. So I presume some changes has been made on wordpress files too. Can you help me on that or be more specific so I can solve this problem quickly.

#3, I’m not sure I was enough clear on my previous message. WPML allows me to set options on the switcher which is inside the Menu Bar and not the Top Bar. But my need is to replace the WPML switcher on the menu bar by the same on the top bar (and delete the one on the menu bar of course). I attached 2 others screenshots so you can have a clear view of what I’m looking for. But for sure, if you confirm that needs customizations, I will definitely contact WP Kraken !

Thank you for your help.


Any answers to my last questions ?


#1 - please clarify which file you are editing and where, e.g. in child theme or the main theme?

#2 - The file are same, they can’t be changed on local/live unless you make the changes by copying the file to child theme. If you are seeing them on local but not on live - please export your customizer and save it, then on live version, you can import the dat file to have 100% same settings as your local.

#3 - This will require customization of the files, hence my suggestion to use customization services.

Thank you

Hello Sanjeev,

Thank you for your reply.

#1 Ok, I solved the problem but here are some details for you. I’m using a child theme so I copied header-top.php as you mentioned on my child theme folder and removed all the lines specified in your article. But it didn’t work !

-> Actually, it is really the file header.php to edit and not header-top.php. But there are two places in the header.php file where the search icon is mentioned. I tried to delete lines on the first place (around line 121 like written in the article) and nothing changed. Then I deleted search icon lines in the second place and it worked ! (line 179).

#2 I’m afraid I made too many customizations on the customizer that it will take a lot of time to set in my local customizer everything I made in the live customizer. Is there another way ? It should be very quick and easy to get my top bar as yours in the demo site. Are you sure the export/import of my customizer from local to live will solve my problem ?

I attached 4 screenshots so you have a better view of what I’m trying to explain.

-> On the first two screenshots, this is my live site. Note that the activated child theme is “Entra Child”. On the second screenshot, you can see there is no email field after the phone field.

-> On the last two screenshots, from the local site I installed quickly. Note that the activated theme is “Entrada child - Modern”. Is there a link with my issue ? Then you can check that on the last screenshot, the email field is now displayed after the phone field.

I just wait to solve that problem before asking WP Kraken for the customization I need.

Can you be more specific on your answers so I won’t bother you again.

Thank you so much !



Apologies for late response.

If you are using a header with top bar, and you have “show top navbar” ticked in customizer, please go to child theme and see if you have a file called “header-top.php”

If you dont have that in child theme, please go to wp-content > themes > entrada > header-top.php and copy what you have between lines 86 to 108 and paste it below and will have a look at it right away.

It appears your customizations are over writing it, but I will be able to say for sure once I see your header-top.php file

The header-top bar works for everyone including in our demo without any issues, so it has to be your specific settings, and will try to help you with that.

Thank you