If your web host is Godaddy, then they have a known issue about this, please visit this link and scroll down to “Godaddy Hosting” part to know about it: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/known-conflicts/
Basically this is nothing to do with the theme but the conflict is caused by the ‘object-cache.php’ file from the ‘wp-content’ directory from godaddy server.
You can go there via FTP:
wp-content >> object-cache.php
and try simply renaming the file called ‘object-cache.php’ to something else like noneed-object-cache.php and everything should become fully functional now.
However, if that doesn’t work, you will need to contact the Godaddy Web Host and tell them that woocommerce is not working because of write permission issue.
I hope that helps and feel free to ask if I can help any further with this.
Thank you