Tour Search problem


If I filter by date from homepage the search query in the url bar says that, for example the month of march in 2021 it starts from 26.03.2021 but it should start from 01.03.2021.

How can I fix this issue? I want to find the code that defines from when the date of the search starts and modify it so the month starts properly from the first day of the month ( 01 ).

Can anyone answer this please?


We have tested this and it is working as expected, and as you have indicated it should, showing from 1st of the selected month. Please go to and on the search form, select any month from the dropdown, and it will show you the result in URL starting from 1st. Please try it and let me know if the demo works find for you or you see error on our demo as well?

If you have old version of the theme, please update to latest version and ensure there is nothing overwriting the theme files.
