The following words can’t be translated using loco translate, how can I translate it?
- “reviews”, “what is not included…”, “from”, “explore”, based on review, “sale”
The following words can’t be translated using loco translate, how can I translate it?
Please I need an answer to keep editing my site.
The term “explore” can be translated in customizer buttons.
As for others, can you please clarify what you mean by can’t translate? Is it not appearing when translating, doesnt shwo up as string or it shows when translating but not in frontend. I am testing but I can’t see the issue…
“Reviews” is translated with locotranslate and not shown in the frontend.
“what is not included…” is translated with locotranslate and not shown in the frontend.
“based on review” is translated with locotranslate and not shown in the frontend.
“from” does not appear in locotranslate so I can’t translate it
“sale” does not appear in locotranslate so I can’t translate it