Unable to translate 'Whats not included in this tour?-

Hello Waituk

I’ve been creating a .po file to translate from entrada.pot file provided in the theme.

The ‘Whats not included in this tour?’ however doesnt seem to work properly on front end. Or perhaps we are missing something for this particular line.

This is how the product page appears:

This is the line in poeditor:

This is the same line appearing in product editor (translated)

Please help with this issue? already took to tour on the community posts but only thread with anything similar is one about changing the wording of that same line.


Hello there,

Are you using special characters when you enter your original text for translation. I can’t tell as I can’t see the text you enter in the screenshot you have, can only see the translated text. But if I am guessing it correctly and you are entering special character, can you try replacing the text with html escape, you can use this tool to https://www.freeformatter.com/html-escape.html and see weather or not that gives you the desired translation?

Please let me know if you still have issue after trying above, and I will open a private ticket for you.



Indeed i was using some special characters, like ¿ and é. I used the html-escape tool to change the html character calls to ¿ and é

This however did not solve my issue on translating this particular string. I also note that other strings that were directly translated as ¿ and é do show up on my frontend. I used the &; calls on these other strings just to be sure but there is no change.

This is the open poedit file:

I would appreciate to have a ticket opened to solve this issue. Please let me know what you need us to do for it.


Sorry but you don’t need to put those in the POEDIT app. And, it appears from your screenshot that you are getting what you have entered in the translation, aren’t you? As shown in this screenshot: https://www.support.waituk.com/hc/user_images/lLMKn42uscCQoOwsHXQUrQ.jpeg you are entering the translation which is exactly whats shown in the frontend as shared in your screenshot https://www.support.waituk.com/hc/user_images/vog0PN7bO7S8XpxVcQnWDQ.jpeg

If you mean something else, please clarify. Or do you mean that the POEDIT itself is not translating it correctly?

Thank you

Hello again Waituk

Poedit saves the translation fine, and as you can see the product editor translates properly, but the string doesn’t translate on the viewing product, here:


Hello, please create a and provide your url / wp-admin access and FTP details there so that I can have a look for you. I have not faced this particular issue with any other user before so can’t say whats causing this is on your particular site without having a look - thank you.

Hello Waituk,

Ticket Submitted, under ID Num. #6431

Thanks for your time and support.


I am also having the same problem with changing the same bit of text. Let me know if there is a solution for it.


Nolan Flynn

Good morning Waituk

I just noticed something in the .po file and front end:

The string in poedit shows up as “WhatS NOT included in this tour?”

The frontend line shows as “What IS NOT included in this tour?”
(letters capitalized only to highlight the difference)

There is no string in the .po file that reads as “What is not included in this tour?”, there is however another line that reads:

“What IS included in this tour?” appart from one that reads “Whats included in this tour?”

Perhaps its just a case of the missing line? How could this be solved if indeed this is the case?