Unused CSS list per post types

Hi Sanjeev,

I want to further improve loading speed of our site and installed Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster plugin.
It is very tedious to check all CSS and JS per page/post/tour and decide whether to dequeue scripts and styles.
The homepage itself loads 57 css and js files, 41 from Entrada Vendors folders.
I unloaded several of them in test mode and it seems that the front page rendered fine without them.
I wonder if you have a list of critical CSS and JS files of Entrada pages/posts/tours to save time unloading files page by page.
Some examples:

  • /entrada/dist/js/components/entrada_blog.js
  • /entrada/vendors/bootstrap-datetimepicker-master/dist/css/bootstrap-datepicker.css
    Do we need to load them on the frontpage?

Many thanks in advance.

Hello Tamas, it depends on your use cases. If you intend to show blog posts on home page, like some users do, then you need it else you don’t. It really is your call and you can remove and test as per your requirement.

Hi Sanjeev,

the SEO & developers community is so stressed about mobile first indexing, Core Web Vitals metric data, so the website owners.

There’s a lot of discussion on SEJ that Google is burdening the USERS of software like WordPress and not the developers to fix it for Core Web Vitals.

We all know that Entrada is a five star, feature rich theme that we love, but scores low in FCP, FID and LCP, so I would appreciate more meaningful support and detailed guidance on what id safe to dequeue per page/post/tour.

I n my opinion it would be a big advantage and a USP for Entrada if you provide us guidance.
