Please go to Appearance >> Editor >> Entrada Child >> functions.php file and open it?
And around line 46, you will notice the code block as shown below AND AS SHOWN IN THE ATTACHED IMAGE:
/* To change the hint text */
function entrada_strength_meter_custom_strings( $data ) {
$data_new = array(
'i18n_password_hint' => esc_attr__( 'The password should be at least seven characters long.', 'entrada' )
return array_merge( $data, $data_new );
add_filter( 'wc_password_strength_meter_params', 'entrada_strength_meter_custom_strings' );
If you notice this code - please delete EXACTLY the 8 Lines, thats shown in code block above. DO NOT DELETE THE closing line ?> at the bottom!
Also, if you would want me to remove this - please provide your wp-admin access and I will be happy to update this for you.
Note: This issue has appeared due to WooCommerce update and we are working on fixing / releasing the theme update for this.
Thank you