While translating my website in French and Japanese, I encountered few issues as following :
#1 Menu language switcher is displayed on both header menu bar and top bar. I just set the language switcher on the main menu in the WPML language section and that’s it. I don’t need the language switcher at the the Top Bar. Is it possible to remove it ?
#2 On the customizer section, “Buttons and links”, “Square button”, I set a customized button text, then tried to translate that text in French and Japanese but no way to find it. On WMPL, “Theme and plugins localization”, I imported all the strings from themes, plugins, etc. but can’t find anywhere. Any ideas where I could locate that square button customized text ?
#3 On the tours activities list, the level icon is well displayed in English but not in French and Japanese while the different levels have been translated.
I wish I could attached screenshots for you so you can have a clear idea but not possible when creating the topic.
Thanks a lot for your help !