Date price filter


There is a post detailing how to set tour with dates and prices here:

I tried to access your site at but its in maintenance mode.

Once you have followed the steps in the post above, and still can’t see the dates and prices tab, please note that since no one else is facing this issue, including our own demo site, this will be quite specific to your wordpress install and settings, so follow the steps mentioned here and update me so I can help you further:

Where can I find this filter?

I opened the site for viewing, I was able to add prices. but now the tour is not added to the cart

Hi, I went to your site, and tested this. I was able to add to cart, as shown in the screenshot and then go to checkout page as well. There you have removed all of the payment methods.

Also, if you have set quantity and all of those quantities are booked, then you wont be able to add more items to the cart. Finally, please double check by refreshing your site.

Mountain Biking Trip — dws These are all products obtained. But where I specified the dates the product tour will not be added to the cart

When you click on book in dates and prices, the tour is not added to the cart.
follow the link - Mountain Biking Trip — dws

Uploading: Снимок экрана (640)_LI.jpg…

This is because of the usage of dates and prices attributes. But first, please go to Appearance >> Customize >> Custom CSS and JS and add the CSS from below:

@media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {
.woocommerce-error {
margin-top: 4rem;
background: #b81c23;
color: #ffffff;
z-index: 9;
Once thats done, you will see the warning, * Packages и Один — обязательные поля

It would show warning if you don’t have enough quantity or the dates and prices aren’t set as required. it should be set as shown here:

Please let me know how it goes.

Thank you very much, and where can I find these phrases for translation ?

how to translate?how to translate?how to translate?

Hi, please check your message when posting so that you don’t end up posting samething 3 times. As for your query, it appears you may have translated theme but not woocommerce defaults. Woocommerce has its own translation file separate from the theme. You will find detailed information on this here: Translating WooCommerce (Localization) - WooCommerce Docs

please tell me what classes to add for the menu so that the menu is just a drop-down. it is not clear from the instructions

how to translate the word Filter?

The simple dropdown menus doesn’t require any class.

no, no classes are specified .

Hello, if you have not added classes, then it will work out of the box for simple dropdown menus. I visited the link you have provided, and I can not figure out which one is it that you are trying the sinple dropdown on - so please provide the menu name that you are trying to make simple dropdown.

when you hover over the “Направления” menu, the menu does not drop out

Hello farid1997, the menu is fine, but you have “has-mega-dropdown” class there as shown in screenshot.

Perhaps you imported the demo, delete the sub menus which was mega menu, and left main menu. I recommend just deleting that “Направления” altogether and create a new menu add add submenus to it, without any classes in main menu or sub menus.

I need to remove the delivery completely both in the shopping cart and on the checkout page.

and I couldn’t translate it.

Uploading: Снимок экрана (667)_LI.jpg…

Please create a new post and remember to limit your post to individual query. Rather than creating query about menu dropdown css, and then translation and also date filter etc all jumbled in one, you need to create separate post for individual query related to one issue / query.