Differences from index.html and current version

Another answer from the webhosting, since they keep on trying to fix the problem:


It seems that some URLs were not fully matched and the images not fully uploaded. When checking on the Browser’s console, I see that, in the homepage, it tries to load some images from:


(You can open your website and press F12. This will make the console show up).

However, this file does exists elsewhere:


Does your theme demo has some tool to change it’s URLs?

Let me know,

I also noticed though, that also the slide has a wrong link.

Maybe, the 2 issues are connected.


Hi, the image that you notice is because its not imported in the first place, so its obviously going to show that. Here is the link from demo, which is what the demo import should import on your site: Italy – Entrada Modern

And as for installation, you can try that with Envato Studio, I do not provide that service, but as long as the hosting issues are not resolved, I can’t see how that will help. You may realize that on the same server/web host, anyone installing any theme and importing any demo will face that issue. Thx.

I tried to push the server hosting telling them I will change provider but this is their reply below.
I will try one more installation with them and I let you know if I’ll go for the refund.

Thanks again.

Here is the code your website is generating, there is no image because there is no image source specified on the code:

div class=content-holder co...

If the theme developer is claiming that this is a server issue, he has to tell us exactly what he thinks the problem is.

Either your theme data is not imported properly or it is broken. If you can provide me the full theme files, I can try to import them to a fresh Wordpress installation. Otherwise, this is a software issue and it is out of our support scope. We are here for any issues you may have with the server but there is no server error for us to fix. We do not provide support for third party software.

I tried again and now images are working correctly BUT this error

So I needed to delete it to make it work.

and still this when clicking on the slide show

and inside the products the gallery is still missing

Hello, I tried logging in to your site with wp details you had sent me in PM so that I could check this, but that is already changed.

As you can see from the menu, it shows that the “shop” page is invalid. Which means, when the demo is created, it imports one shop page, and when woocommerce is installed and activated, that plugin creates a shop page as well. So, you will just delete this page, and readd the shop page that you have in your pages.

As for the slide show - clicking that link takes you to:

However, the actual link in your case should be:

So you will need to change those links to actual links of your site.

Also, did you import the taxonomy and gallery data as shown in the documentation?


  1. yes I had deleted that shop tab from the menu straight away.
    Should I instead delete the page itself?

  2. why the link is incorrect? I imported the demo, I’d like to see it like that as it’s merchandised
    Homepage – V2 – Entrada Modern
    and then after, make my changes.
    By the way I dont think it’s a big issue. Where can I change those links?

  3. Yes i imported taxonomy and gallery but as you can see, for the products, in the itinerary and gallery, the images are not shown.

Thanks again

Hi Waituk
Did you see my previous email?



As long as you have a shop page - under pages, and one under menu, you dont need to delete anything.

You can change them in the slider revolution under the links. Slider Destination action - #3 by sanjeev

This is really strange, your URLs get changed from imports, which is almost impossible unless there is some changes made on your end, your images don’t get imported when you import the gallery etc. etc. , I have done 100’s of imports and so has all other users, but I have never faced the kind of issues you are facing.

Create a blank WP install with all the requirements mentioned for hosting, and do new import where everything should import as in the demo. If not, I am afraid I won’t be able to help you further while you are with this web hosts.

Thank you

Create a blank WP install with all the requirements mentioned for hosting, and do new import where everything should import as in the demo. If not, I am afraid I won’t be able to help you further while you are with this web hosts.

Hi again,
We did a blank installation again on 2 other hosts BLUE HOST and ARUBA: exactly the same issue like my last post:
-invalid shop page
-no images in product itinerary
-no images in product gallery
-impossible to manage links in slider revolution

About slider revolution, the link there is written correctly

But it is linking wrongly to

Ad if you try to save a different link, it’s not saving.

Please help me: it just seems that xml file are not doing what they should do.
Maybe the theme need un update?
I got also this warning

Super thanks