Remove "from" in products

Hi ,

In my multisite config I cannot seem to remove “from”. Your code worked great in my old single site. I added the code to Appreance >> Customize >> Custom CSS and JS >> Custom CSS in the subdomain, but that didn’t remove “from”. I’ve also added the code to my sites/network admin/theme editor/Entrada Child - Canada/style.css, but that’s not working either.

This is the code I used:
.article footer .price, .article .info-aside .price {
display: none;

Screen shots are from Routes and Experiences respectively.


this string is in the language file, which is entrada*.po
LocoTranslate or PoEdit will help

Thank you for your suggestion. I’d however prefer not to translate this, as that could have other unintended consequences. On my other single website Sanjeev had provided me with CSS code that worked excellently.

Similar to Sanjeev’s comment: “Having said all that, if you are just after removing the price from tour detail pages, the part shown in red circle in your screenshot , and nothing else that I have mentioned above matters, I will help with that as that should just be one line of code, or two!” in Removing prices - #2

Thanks again!

Hello @kimolinders if you want to remove the “from” you can add following css:

.price-prefix {
     display: none !important;
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Code works perfectly, thank you!!