Subtitle font change CSS not working

I tried what you said to do in this article:

To use a google font for the subtitle. I’m using the child theme for Entrada: Modern.
I pasted this code in the CSS but there is no change:
/subtitle on banners at page tops/
@import url(‘’);
h2.main-heading {
font-family: ‘Poppins’, sans-serif;

I even tried putting the @import part in the child theme CSS by going to Theme Editor but that also had no effect.
Web site it
Can you help?

oh wait, I see now that in the customizer under Typography the font Poppins is showing up as a choice for Subtitle. So now I selected that and it’s changed to that font. But the different font weights are not showing. I went back to the CSS and took off the “400” in this line:
@import url(‘’);

But still the font weights are not changing. I want it to look like the subtitle in the Slider Revolution slide on the home page, which is a bit thinner weight than what is showing up now on the About Me page.

Hello Karen,

You don’t need to import the font via css like that. That article was posted a while ago. So, please remove those steps that you have taken here - and then if you still face the issue, please create a new post with your issue, and also share relevant screenshots if any - and I will look into it for you.

Thank you

ok got it. I took that CSS off and it seems to still show Poppins font so we are good.

Happy to see it sorted.